My Unexpected Summer

Maybe you had an unexpected summer too… somehow mine turned into an unbelievable journey I could’ve never fathomed. Losing a good job is tough, and I’m learning to mourn it as a real grief. Amidst the sadness, I had an attitude of embracing the opportunity and free time—what better time than summer to be unemployed?

I picnicked, hiked, swam, and hung out with so many people, all at a time when we were recovering from feelings of isolation. This could be done outside, socially distanced in the balmy summer air of spontaneity. I loved forming deeper and new relationships, some of which sorta just stole into my life unnoticed at the time and now are sweet joys.

But it was an amazing season for more than just its fun adventures. I honestly cannot believe the difference in the person that entered the ranks of unemployment at the end of June and the one who stepped back into college this month.

Through countless one-on-ones and time with smaller groups of people, I gained much-needed confidence. I grew in communicating more clearly and intentionally. But my transformation has been at such a deeper level. The Holy Spirit made stunning progress in my heart in standing firm in my identity in Christ. To paraphrase a pivotal sermon of Tim Keller’s, I now have a low opinion of others’ opinions of me and a low opinion of my opinion of me.

Jesus set me free from my endless people-pleasing and constant—I mean constant—uncertainty whether I had acted perfectly and been perceived rightly by all. Only Christ’s righteousness on me matters—my pure standing before God by the blood of Jesus. There’s nothing left to prove. It’s not about me!

I could finally walk away from social situations viewing others’ thoughts of me as irrelevant and Jesus’ love for me as my hope, joy, and delight. Now I can be expressive and open and can take risks. I need to remind myself of these truths daily, even moment-by-moment.

This truth that I knew mostly only intellectually became real and powerful to me. And do you know the medium in which God affected this in me? My job loss. It was the first major time in my life I felt I had made a mistake worthy of serious judgment by others, that I didn’t plan my life wisely or responsibly and should be ashamed of my outcome. But that’s just not true.

What the enemy meant for sorrow and destruction God meant for everlasting joy in Him.

I could go on and on about the ways Jesus is blooming new things in my life. (My mom tells me I’m becoming quite the social butterfly, and we both know that two years ago all of this would have seemed impossible.) So I want you to know: Jesus is so good. My career and future dreams may have been decimated as I perceive it, but will I have eyes to see? By humble trust I am noticing the wonders He’s performing and am breathing in and breathing out His grace in what’s directly before me every day.

“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.'” John 6:35

This song is fire!!! Listen and remember that Jesus cares for you and weeps with you.

“You’re always good, always good
Somehow this sorrow is shaping my heart like it should
And You’re always good, always good.”

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